Promotion & Detention

  1. Promotion is decided based on the cumulative performance of the student in all tests and examinations.
  2. The passing mark for each subject is 40%.
  3. To be promoted, a student must pass in all subjects (i.e., get over 40% in all subjects) in the final examination and on the average obtained by them.
  4. Students’ attendance will also be considered for promotion.
  5. Passing in English is mandatory.
  6. If a student is absent during an examination, he/she will not be eligible for re-examination.
  7. A student may be detained if he/she fails to pass in two or more subjects.
  8. If the student fails to pass for the second time in a given class, the parent will have to withdraw the child from the school.
  9. Parent-teacher meetings will be held twice a year (after half-yearly examinations) and the parents would be held responsible to attend the same.

Admissions Open for CBSE and
Matriculation schools.
