Eco-friendly practices for children

Let's have a look at some of the interesting and exciting ways to teach eco-friendly practices to children.


Tiny human beings don't know how to motivate themselves. But the good part is they are always curious and are excited and open to learning about anything and everything. As elders and parents, it is our duty to shape this curiosity in the right way! We can do this by showing and setting good examples that will inspire and motivate them. At Kingston International Academy, we use various techniques and activities such as stories, seed planting, DIY recycling, etc., to demonstrate the importance and ways of living an eco-friendly life.

Reusing and Recycling

Reusing and recycling materials are two of the most important sustainable practices. Supporting, promoting, and teaching them to your children will not just create meaningful and creative crafts but will help them lead a more mindful, frugal, and minimalistic lifestyle. One does not need fancy tools and complicated machines to practice recycling and reusing! You can start with things lying in your home, such as cardboard boxes, newspapers, tissue paper rolls, plastic water bottles, etc. Make sure your child practices all of these under your supervision.


Teach your child to be more attentive and mindful of their surroundings. Teach them eco-friendly practices such as avoiding unnecessary leaking of water during brushing and bathing, avoiding wasting food, and cutting off electrical expenses through switching off lights, TV, fan, AC, etc., when not in use. All these small yet significant practices will foster not just a sense of responsibility but also a deeper connection and love towards the environment.


Being children can be very fun and interesting but not at all easy. Because of their curiosity and innocence, almost each and everything in this world will attract and fascinate them. But the good part is, we can always teach them morals, values, and discipline from a very young age itself. Without causing any alteration to their childishness, try to teach them to be more mindful of their wants and needs before making things that are already there, such as their toys, dresses, etc. This will not only save money but also help them be more clear of their requirements.

Spend more time in and with nature

Try to spend more time with your children amidst nature. Teach them different types of trees, seeds, leaves, roots, plants, flowers, soil, etc. You can even teach them botanical names if your child belongs to a secondary session. Try planting saplings with them.

Teach them the various benefits of trees, such as the oxygen they give, the shade they provide, the fruits and vegetables they give, the wood, the shelter, each and everything. You can also show them how trees also provide shelter to birds and animals. Try gardening with them and explain what they eat, from where they come, how to plant them, etc.

Doing such things will not only help them learn about their environment but will also raise their awareness about the current situation of our environment, thereby instilling a sense of love for nature. All these will not only make them happy but will also make them feel proud and great about themselves.
