Things to do after your board exams are over

After studying day and night for months at a stretch, a break after board exams is a must. The time after boards is to just relax, spend quality time with near and dear ones, plan for your future course, and most importantly, self-introspect and spend time with oneself.

After months of slogging hard to get good marks in boards, that’s crucial in helping you decide your career path, you surely deserve a break. And before the college admissions, and entrance exams begin, now is the perfect time to take a break and just go on a detox.

Two months from now and you’ll be about to start your new life and trust us when we say this, the time will pass in a blink of an eye. Before the time passes, do some recreational activities, go on a vacation, or join a hobby that'll pump you up for your new life.

Kingston International Academy brings you some ideas that you can choose from to make the most of these two months:

Join a hobby class

The best way to utilize the most of your break is by learning something new. We all have certain hobbies that excite us, but due to our busy schedules, we are unable to enroll and pursue them. These two months give you the perfect opportunity to choose a hobby and learn it.

Taking up a hobby not only keeps you engaged, but an aspect of it also helps you in the future. A varied range of hobby classes are now available on online and offline platforms, do your research and choose a hobby that interests you.

Read books and extend your knowledge

Though the boards are over, the learning process never ends. Gaining knowledge is the way forward and for that, you don’t need to go to school. Every book you read gives you knowledge that you didn’t have before. If you are a book enthusiast, and you find your solace in books, then spend these months reading as many books as you can.

Every book extends your knowledge and provides you with a little more knowledge than you had before. You can choose from a wide variety of fiction, non-fiction, and reference books.

Take a vacation

12th is never an easy year, and with the pandemic, the stress was doubled. With no option to step outside, the children spent most of their 12th in the four walls of their homes and in some cases their school. After a year of hardly taking any vacation and spending most of their time at home, the least they deserve is a vacation.

Take a vacation with your friends and family and make the most of it. Visit an area with maximum recreational activities and make the most of your vacation. When choosing the location, don’t forget to check the climate and the Covid-19 conditions in that particular area.

Work with an NGO

If you’re someone who wishes to contribute to the development of society in your own way, working with a non-governmental organization is the best way you can spend your vacation.

This will provide you with high insights and an experience that you’ll remember for a lifetime. Working in an NGO will help you gain on-field experience that’ll not only help you in your college but also assist you in whatever career path you choose.

Learn a new language

If you’re planning to study abroad then learning the foreign language used there would be the best way you can spend these two months.

All you need is a knack and passion to learn new languages and you’re good to go!

What are you waiting for? Make the most of your holidays and tell us what you did!
